with you

Project Management Coaching

The reasons for a faltering project are wide and varied. Sometimes it stems from weak leadership or even a lack of leadership, and a project director is required. We can parachute in the right individual to resolve leadership issues in project management. However, understanding can vary greatly over what great project management looks like and different skill levels can compound the problem.

Outside help is often required to bring clarity. It might even be that the right people and the right systems are in place but the project is lacking the support of top level stakeholders and floundering as a result.

Who do you go to when you're struggling?

Some problems you just can’t take to your boss. So where do you go for help to take yourself or your team members up a level? Coron Projects can provide the sounding board you need. Or if you want to be part of a group where you can talk things through with others faced with the same issues around leadership in project management our Facebook Group offers a safe place to be heard.

Join our Facebook Group

As well as coaching, Coron offer membership of a Facebook group. Chatting things through with others in your situation, facing a similar set of challenges will improve your project’s EQ as well as its IQ.
Coming soon.
Project management coaching, Coron Projects
Project management coaching, Coron Projects


At Coron, we have NLP certification as well as vast experience of leadership in project management in the engineering sector. We can offer you the opportunity to talk through your challenges and work with you to overcome them. Our coaching courses are designed to help you reach outside of your environment and enhance and improve your people, your systems or both.
Get in touch today for coaching tailored to:
  1. Businesses wanting coaching support.
  2. Individuals wanting coaching support.