

To successfully plan and execute complex, high-stakes projects it is necessary to focus on maintaining, refreshing and improving crucial skills. Any team can lack certain skills or even experience skill fade! Nobody would attempt to scale a mountain without undertaking the correct training or having all the right information about prevailing conditions. It’s the same with project management. To be proficient, consistently achieving project successes, professionals need correct, up to date training, new information and be aware of how to manage all stakeholders in project management.

We offer professional development including:

  • How to clearly define a project’s scope and objectives
  • How to develop an initial project plan
  • How to recognize typical project challenges
  • How to develop network diagrams
  • How to perform schedule calculations
  • How to compress project plans to meet deadline dates
  • How to update project plans to reflect real-time progress
  • How to effectively control a project through to completion

Project management training coordinators

Getting it right with stakeholders in project management. Bring your team up to speed with the methodologies and skills that they need so that you can optimise projects and manage all stakeholders in project management effectively. Different team members might need different kinds of help to equip them for success – an alternative “climb” if you like – but everyone will make it to the top!
Coron Projects can help you by operating as an extension of your leadership team to identify the kind of training your team needs and (if required) deliver the training ourselves. We also partner with associated industry experts to deliver different methodologies For example, if your entire team needed project management office training we have the contacts to facilitate that for you.
Project management training, Coron Projects
Project management training, Coron Projects
Project management training, Coron Projects
Project management training, Coron Projects

Equally, if you have a skill shortage at project director level we can parachute in a project manager/director on a temporary basis and help any internal candidates to upskill in order to fill the role in the long term.

Get in touch today to let is know your training needs.